A Journey Beyond Boundaries

As I prepare to dive into today's blog, I can't help but reflect on the therapeutic nature of the process. It's remarkable how, in sharing our experiences with a wide audience through photos or videos, our problems seem to shrink while our joys multiply. It's unfortunate that the era no longer fully embraces blogs; they've become casualties of our fast-paced lives. But today, let's take a different approach. Let's slow down, attuning ourselves to the rhythms of nature, the rhythms that resonate with our humanity. 

Recently, my wife and I embarked on a journey to my father's charming village*, where I captured the image above—a vast, endless meadow, lush with greenery. It struck me then: the disparity between dwelling in an apartment, a human-made structure that both shelters and constrains. Yet amidst nature, I felt more alive, more connected to my essence. Walls, fences, and urban clamor couldn't contain the expansiveness I felt. I realized the innate desire to gaze upon the horizon, to engage all my senses fully. 

Humanity's ingenuity is astounding, but equally intriguing is our propensity to sometimes sacrifice our natural inclinations in pursuit of protection and progress. 

Our existence teeters on a delicate balance between our spiritual essence and the constructs of our thoughts. While I embrace all facets of my being, it's the primal, spiritual core that truly captivates me.

*Ano Poroia (Greek: Άνω Πορόια) is a village in Greece, located in Macedonia. The village is located at the foot of Mount Belles, overlooking the valley and Lake Kerkini. The settlement preserves the characteristics of the Macedonian Architecture brought by the Aromanians from Epirus and Western Macedonia along with their customs and traditions, which were "married" perfectly later with the settlement of refugees from Asia Minor in 1922.


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