Discovering the Joy of Cherry Picking

While we were sitting at a table full of all kinds of delicious food, with incredible smells wafting around us, my mother's friend suggested we visit the house she grew up in and is now renovating to pick cherries. And that's where our journey began.

Thank you for joining us for another blog post. We hope our everyday experiences inspire you to create your own, away from screens and the convenience of home. It’s not easy for us to break away from our daily habits either, but we are trying our best.

So, we headed to the old house, which would soon be as good as new. The yard was full of cherry trees. We took three bags with us to collect the fruit from the vibrant red trees. The process of picking cherries puts you in a state of calm, order, and effort. It makes you feel connected to nature. We carefully picked all the cherries that were ripe and ready to eat. It was a beautiful process, and the family gathered to enjoy the fruits of nature together. When you taste them, you truly appreciate the beauty of nature’s bounty.

There are so many other trees and fruits we can grow and harvest. This place became a destination for us to escape the daily grind and find inspiration. We can learn so much from a tree—its resilience, the importance of nurturing it well, and the need to break free from the habits that hold us back (like leaves and weeds). In the end, we get to enjoy the fruits of our labor, the results of our efforts. 

A lovely Poem from nellie:

have you ever tasted cherries on warm summer nights?

the cherries that sparkle when you bite,

that drip down your lips

melting with the slick of your tongue.


high up the trees, unattainable, beautiful.


that for a moment relieve you of your deityless existence.

I ,too , have met someone

unattainable, beautiful, high up in the trees

a dancer

with subtle glances at her own posture

as she pursues her lip

and tips her feet forward

as she moves to the beat

of life (...)


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