Finding Meaning Beyond Fear

How many times have we been afraid in our lives? How many times do we want to do things but are stopped by the fear of what will happen—whether the change we want to make will actually benefit us or not.. What if something goes wrong in the process, or if we lose something of ourselves in the process?

What we don't understand is that we have already changed since we have the desire to change. We are already in a gap between our current reality and the one we want to create for the future. If we just stand still here, there is indeed a fear of getting lost and losing ourselves.

By looking at nature, we will understand that it is constantly changing. Everything changes according to the survival of the plant and its well-being. Nothing is stagnant, and perhaps being stagnant is the only unnatural thing. 

All the magic of this world is out there—in the natural environment, in our daily activities, and in our people. Let's all try together, by giving a bit of inspiration through the means we have, to experience all that is truly meaningful.


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