Views, Reflections, and Conversations

We finally moved into our new home! We spent over a week moving things, assembling furniture, and doing it all in the middle of a heatwave. 

Yet, we didn't melt and we survived! What keeps us going is the anticipation of our child's birth and the warmth of a home that truly reflects our dreams. The most rewarding part is the view from our balcony. We can see the citadel and many villages in a wide radius from our home. As I look out at our city and the rising temperatures, I realize how crucial it is to incorporate elements of nature, or better yet, to return to the outdoors.

You're always welcome to join us on the balcony. What would you like us to buy you to drink, and what would you like to discuss?


  1. Thank you so much for your kind words! It means a lot to know you'll be following and reading our blog.We are excited to share more content with you and would love to hear any topics you're interested in. Don't hesitate to reach out anytime! ❤️😁


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