Opening the Window to Authenticity

An open window—that's what we all want: to breathe, to feel ourselves, to take a deep breath and say, "This is who we are." We want to be accepted by those who like us, but it's hard to find that window open. 

There's always a fear that we have to meet certain criteria, that we need to make everyone happy, that everyone wants something different from us, and we have to play the appropriate role each time. We dislike tension, so we do everything to avoid it, feeling more diminished each time until we feel we've lost our soul.

 We have no energy for anything, and everything becomes increasingly difficult every day. And all this for what? To satisfy people who, in the end, may never be satisfied, who will logically continue to have complaints and demands because it was never about changing us—that's just the way they behave, and that won't change by changing ourselves.

Gain the courage to be yourself, to be as curious as you want because that is what makes you unique and magnificent on this earth. Say what you think, express yourself, and to all the right people for you, you will always be the right person. Don't get lost creating a caricature of yourself. Open the window and breathe deeply.


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