Welcoming Our Little Tiger

The truth is, we missed you so much! We may have taken our time, but believe us, it was worth every moment. Our little tiger has finally arrived. Our priority now is raising him and providing him with peace of mind.

I really want to share the moment of his birth with you. I hope it brings you inspiration, however it may.

We left our town at midnight, bags packed and prepared with all the essentials the clinic had asked for. The hours in the car dragged by slowly, heightened by the anxiety of venturing into the unknown. Once we arrived, they took Maria to the delivery room, where I joined her shortly after. During the long hours of labor, we found moments to laugh out loud, trying to let relief, not pain, take the lead.

Throughout my life, I’ve met countless people, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. But that day reaffirmed just how strong and resilient my wife truly is. Even amidst pain and stress, Maria’s smile shone through it all. Then, the moment finally came – we were told the baby was ready to meet the world. And there, when I first gazed into his bright little eyes, it felt as if the entire world was contained in that look. That first recognition is something I will carry with me for the rest of my life. The days that followed were like a beautiful dream. The midwives at the clinic were incredible, equipping us with everything we needed to begin this journey of raising our child.

As I write this, our little tiger is nestled beside me with his mom, never leaving her side as he nurses. A little soul we can hold, cuddle, and gaze into his eyes. Thank you to everyone who reads this and shares in our joy with your well-wishes and blessings. You are in our hearts.

My love for the two of you starts and ends where infinity begins and ends.


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