๐Ÿ‚ Autumn magic is Here ๐Ÿ‚

Autumn has always fascinated me. Well, not always—perhaps only after I finished school. Before then, I associated it with the start of the school year and all the stress and anxiety that came with it. But now, there is no season I look forward to more. 

It’s the golden and orange leaves decorating the streets, the gentle rain that soothes the soul, the return of hot coffee, cozy jackets, the soft breeze, quiet afternoons, and snug mornings. This season holds a certain magic..

After the intensity of summer, autumn feels like a time when everything slows down, bringing calm to both body and mind. So, I thought I’d share some ideas that inspire me during this season. Maybe they'll give you some inspiration to break away from the daily grind.

1. Walks, walks, walks: This is the perfect time to lace up your sneakers, grab an umbrella, and head outside. Nature is at its most colorful and beautiful, and there’s nothing more relaxing than walking in the gentle rain, listening to your favorite music in your headphones. You could also grab your favorite coffee or invite a friend along to enjoy the brisk autumn air with you.

2. Books: While any time of year is great for starting a new book, autumn feels like the season made for reading. What could be better than lying on the couch with a blanket, a lit candle, or soft lighting (if that’s your preference), while it rains outside, reading about dragons, adventures, castles, magic, or anything else you enjoy?

3. Movies: Just like with books, organizing movie nights during this time of year—when the weather isn’t ideal for going out—is one of the best things. You can make a list of movies you’ve always wanted to watch but never got around to, or you can discover new ones and fill your autumn nights that way.

4. Baking: Everything becomes even better when you add homemade cookies, cakes, breads, or any other treats you’re craving. With endless recipes to explore, paired with your favorite music or some ambient sounds, you’ve created your own form of therapy. Plus, your home will smell amazing afterward.

5. Journaling: Writing in a journal is an activity we should do all year round, but there’s something about the rain, fog, and falling leaves that makes it feel even more special. It’s like you’re the protagonist of your own novel, putting thoughts to paper, relaxing your soul, and clearing your mind from the endless flood of information.

6. Puzzles and Painting: Depending on your preferences, you can spend a cozy afternoon with a hot cup of coffee, working on a puzzle—whether it’s new or an old favorite. And if it turns out great, maybe you’ll incorporate it into your home decor! You could also take out pencils and paints, letting your imagination run wild. Don’t worry about the result—this is your time to unwind, so just let yourself go.

What other activities do you enjoy during this season? Is there something about autumn that inspires you? Feel free to share your answers below, and let me know if you plan to try any of these suggestions.

As a new mommy, I’ll try to do at least one of these myself, and I hope the rest inspire and motivate you too.

I look forward to hearing your responses!

Happy autumn to all๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ๐Ÿฅฎ


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