The Price of Being Yourself
What a shame... to have your essence trampled upon. To be made to appear dry, empty, aged. To seem as if you’ve sown harm, as if you bring only sorrow. And suddenly, your inner world turns black, peels away, losing what little remained within.
However, you never intended to harm anyone. Harm always shattered you… it hurt you. You wanted only to spread joy in this world. That’s how you were made. That’s what you always tried to do. Perhaps even at the expense of your own self. And then, you made a decision… What if I say what I really want? What if I do what I truly desire?
But to show who you truly are comes at a cost. Because who will you be if you’re not what we knew? How dare you become something unknown to us? Someone must have changed you. Someone must have hurt you.
You were simply tired. Tired of your essence being covered in the dust of others’ "shoulds." Tired of being the good child. Tired of not belonging to yourself.
And then, chaos reigns.
To set boundaries is seen as building castles. To express an opinion seems like rejection, like denial. And suddenly, you become the archer with arrows, when all you wanted was to scatter flowers.
"Flowers made from your own essence, bearing your name—not others"
And then, the wounds begin to show. The tears. You hold a bow that shoots arrows, which you never took in your hands. You don’t know why it’s there. For every arrow released, two more fall upon you. And this repeats again and again, until nothing remains. Neither what you were before nor what you tried to become afterward.
And yet, the only thing you longed for was to let your essence shine in the world.
#UnplugAndThrive #Authenticity #FindingYourself #BreakingFree #SelfGrowth #HealingJourney #InnerStrength #SetBoundaries #OwnYourStory
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