🎭Feta Family Takes on International Women's Day, With Love (and an Air Fryer)🐮
March 8th marks International Women's Day, a day to celebrate the achievements, strength, and resilience of women worldwide. But here’s the thing: why should the recognition stop after 24 hours?
As Margaret Thatcher once said, “If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.” Women have been driving progress, shaping societies, and holding families together for centuries often without recognition or applause. So why do we wait for a specific day to say, “Thank you” or “We see you”?
In our first Feta Family cartoon, we decided to explore this very idea with a playful twist, of course. A woman, excited about finally having a month dedicated to celebrating women, is met with her partner handing her an air fryer. Because what better way to celebrate a woman than with the gift of more cooking responsibilities, right?
Humor aside, this moment reflects a deeper truth: women’s value isn’t defined by their role in the home. Yes, they may cook. Yes, they may care for others. But that’s not the measure of their worth. Women deserve to be celebrated not for what they do, but for who they are leaders, creators, thinkers.
Gloria Steinem once said, “The story of women’s struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organisation, but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights.” And those efforts don’t stop when the calendar flips to March 9th.
The challenge isn’t to remember women’s value on International Women’s Day. It’s to carry that recognition into daily life. To celebrate the quiet victories, the unseen strength, the emotional labor that often goes unnoticed.
So yes, let’s give flowers today. Let’s post inspirational quotes. But tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that.Let’s also give respect, support, and space for women to thrive. Not just when they’re cooking or caregiving, but in boardrooms, on sports fields, in creative spaces, and anywhere else they choose to be.
And if our little cartoon sparks a reaction, whether laughter or a raised eyebrow, good. That’s the point. We’re here to make you think, to question the status quo, and maybe even smile along the way.
If you’re feeling offended… well, maybe just eat some feta. It helps.
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